AIC India upgrades Rolling mill speed control system

In December 2022 AIC India received an order from one of the Alloy-Steel manufacturers in Southern India to overcome the problems with respect to existing rolling mill control systems namely.

- Obsoleteness
- Over 95% CPU loading resulting in inconsistent behaviour of the control system
- 100% memory utilization resulting in no possibility for program modifications & integration of external systems.
- Service and support issues.

The target of the project is to improve the overall reliability and availability of the control system. 

The scope of supply consists in:
- Advanced controllers based on Simatic S7-1500
- Simatic HMI servers based on WinCC Professional in redundant configuration ensuring high availability
- Profibus interface to existing drive systems based on DCS800 systems
- Interface to existing Motion controller already supplied by AIC
- Interface with external systems

The equipment was delivered in the first week of July 2023 and mill control system was put into operation in the last week of October 23, a quick start-up and fast learning curve was realized and the first bar that was rolled after the start-up reached the cooling bed as per the defined process set up. 

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