June 26, 2023
Training course for V class students of the A.I.B. Foundation - Training Center, dealing with the following topics: analysis and troubleshooting in an industrial plant with direct motor starting and analysis and troubleshooting in an industrial plant with PLC.

May 16, 2023
Lesson at AIC's Torbole Casaglia unit with the students of three-year automation of the University of Brescia.
Together with the students, our engineers analyzed a real case study of a rolling mill for the production of wire rods, as well as illustrating the various design aspects of their job and accompanying them on a guided tour of the various departments.

May 04, 2023
ANIPLA - Italian National Association for Automation
It is proposed as a trait d'union between the worlds of industry and training, an important point of reference for young people on the verge of graduating from a Technical or Higher Technical Institute, as well as Engineering graduates, to meet representatives from the industrial world.

Apr 29, 2023
Also this year presented at the ITS Lombardia Meccatronica Open Day held at the IIS Cerebotani in Lonato del Garda (BS), to illustrate the opportunities at the end of the study cycle and the related employment opportunities.

Apr 19, 2023
The PMI DAY 2023, promoted by Confindustria Brescia, has now officially begun at AIC!
The visit of the Electric first grade class of the CFP Zanardelli of Brescia was an opportunity to share the corporate culture in connection to the numerous subjects on which it is focused; a guided tour of the manufacturing processes and the various company activities followed.

March, 2023
Our technicians Emanuele, Marco and Mattia held various lessons for the ITS ISS Cerebotani in Lonato del Garda (BS) bringing various concrete cases of work carried out in the plant. Macro topics of the lessons were the industrial bridge cranes, the rolling process, PLC & Level 2.

Feb 23, 2023
Rockwell Technical Basics refresher training for PowerFlex 755TS, 755TR, 755TL, and 755TM Drives in Katowice (Poland).

Dec 12, 2022
The CareerDay organized by the University of Brescia was a unique and stimulating opportunity to get to know and listen to the needs of the young talents of the future, showing them our opportunities for a real and educational professional growth path: ONE STEP AT AT TIME!
Because enhancing and developing the knowledge of our people remains at the heart of our mission.

Dec 01, 2022
Meeting with the high schools of the Province of Brescia to illustrate the company and show the opportunities in the steel sector.

Nov 14, 2022
Our Managing Director Marco Capitanio present at the start of the Thirteenth Edition of the PMI Day promoted by Confindustria Brescia:
"After two years of virtual meetings, we are finally returning to bring students and teachers to our companies: a fundamental aspect for us, to strengthen the relationship between school and the world of work".

Oct 24-27, 2022
A group of our employees took part in ROKLive EMEA organized by Rockwell in Sweden. The event offered a vast range of education opportunities covering the most important topics and issues our industries are facing, with lots of sessions based on job roles and areas of focus. It provided the latest solutions and enhancements, and proven best practices with technology experts that offered customized insights.
This was a unique opportunity for our students to give a boost and update their skills!

June 12, 2022
A cycle of meetings in partnership with ISFOR Continuous Training - A.I.B Foundation to strengthen indoor team building in the company. The boys, divided into groups, experienced the relationship of trust by facing various challenges, to improve their soft skills.
Communication, Collaboration, Trust, Feedback, Listening, and Continuous Improvement.

April 30, 2022
Present at the ITS 2022 Open Day hosted at the IIS Cerebotani in Lonato del Garda (BS).
An important occasion for students, graduates and their families, aimed at showing the training offer of ITS Lombardia Meccatronica for the next educational cycles and related professional opportunities.

Nov 23-25, 2021
AIC took part virtually in Digital Career Day hosted by Università degli Studi di Brescia.
Online meetings were set on 23 • 24 • 25 November at our virtual desk, to reveal the opportunities built for undergraduates and recent graduates.

Nov 23, 2021
Hosted by the University of Brescia in the Department of Engineering for Industrial Automation, our general manager Marco Capitanio spoke to the young graduates about the innovation process in the steel supply chain and how our company has put into practice sustainable from a circular economy perspective.

May 16, 2020
Fondazione ITS Lombardia Meccatronica opens its doors for the virtual presentation of new training courses for the program: “Tecnico superiore per l’automazione ed i sistemi meccatronici” (Technician for automation and mechatronic systems – Advanced level). The representatives of AIC participated in one of the modules. After the presentation of the company, the partners and visitors could interact with the experts of AIC and ask questions about automation and mechatronic solutions.

April 10, 2020
AIC and Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Luigi Cerebotani (ITIS) conducted the online lecture for 30 students in Lonato (Italy) on the topic: “Level 2 Systems for Industrial Production”. In addition to the theoretical part, students had the opportunity to discuss the most complex aspects and get answers from our experts to all questions.

Feb, 26 2020
AIC held a lecture for students of the ITS course in Lonato (Italy). The experts of AIC in the field of Industrial Automation explained in more detail about the Robotic Island and its application. The event was designed to help young people better understand the principles of Industrial Automation.

Dec 3, 2019
Master’s degree students in “Ingegneria dell’Automazione Industriale” (“Industrial Automation Engineering”) of The Università degli Studi di Brescia visited Feralpi Siderurgica S.p.A. as a final practical part of the open lecture “Isole robotizzate e sistemi di automazione” (“Robotic islands and automation systems”), which was held at the AIC’s workshop in Torbole Casaglia (Italy) on October 29. Feralpi Group provided a chance to see the processes and systems previously described in the lecture.

Nov 15, 2019
Lunardi High School students from Brescia (scuola superiore Lunardi di Brescia) visited AIC in Torbole Casaglia (Italy) as part of the initiative “PMI DAY 2019 - INDUSTRIAMOCI” promoted by AIB Associazione Industriale Bresciana and Confindustria - Piccola Industria. The event was designed to help young people to see how local products and services are created and to share the knowledge and experience of the people who contribute to the company’s growth.
Before the lecture of Mr Roberto Migliorati (Business Development Manager of AIC), the students were divided into groups and had a guided tour in a workshop where they could ask practical questions to the founder and current employees of the company.

Oct 29, 2019
AIC held an open lecture at its workshop in Torbole Casaglia (Italy) to the fifth-year engineering students of The University of Brescia. The event was part of the initiative “Lezioni in Fabbrica” (“Lectures at the Factory”) promoted by The University of Brescia and The AIB Industrial Association of Brescia.